Save Smart For Healthcare. Your Way.


Lipia polepole for your ANC clinics & delivery

who are we

MamaPrime is a savings platform for mothers-to-be and their families.  With ease you get to save for your clinics and delivery in flexible installments and deliver in accredited healthcare facility of your choice through out he country. 

  • Save any amount at any time throughout your pregnancy journey
  • Receive healthcare wellness messages for you & the baby.
  • Use the money for ANC clinics
  • Unused money is refundable 
  • CS births, epidural and NICU  are fully covered with the funds in your wallet. 

Dial *384*48#... start today

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

How does MamaPrime work?

  • Dial *384*48#  from a Safaricom line (it’s free)
  • Register your details as prompted
  • Top-up your wallet by choosing top-up wallet from the USSD option. (top-up any amount at any time)
  • View wallet balance
  • Pay hospital bill by following the prompts on the USSD


How much is the monthly premium and what are the benefits?

MamaPrime is NOT an insurance but a savings wallet. You do not pay monthly premiums in order to access particular benefits. You ONLY access the money you have saved. 

The good thing is, you can start your savings at ANY time of your pregnancy journey,  ALL conditions are covered. and you can visit ANY hospital of choice. Your money, your rules!

How do I identify myself at the hospital?

You don’t need to. All you need to do is use your USSD menu *384*48# and choose pay hospital option. 

Should you visit a hospital partner, use your ID number as an identifier.

How do I pay for the hospital bill?

When you visit a partner hospital.. the hospital initiates the payment after you have received treatment. You will receive a One time Pin (OTP) on the registered line to confirm all the bill details. Kindly give this one time pin to the hospital cashier and they will issue a receipt thereafter.

When you visit a hospital we haven’t partnered with… dial *384*48# and choose pay hospital bill from the USSD option.  *This service is charged at 5% of the total hospital bill with the cap price being Ksh. 1,000.

Is my money safe?

Yes it is. We have partnered with KCB Bank & Safaricom in order to ensure the money transfer is seamless and safe. 

Can I get a refund?

Yes you can. All monies that are are unused can be refunded at request. Kindly give us a call on 0734 384 480

Awards & Recognition

Healthcare financing category 2021
healthcare financing innovation 2020
healthcare innovation in africa 2020
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